Kitschy Bavarian/German/Swiss Weather Houses & Clocks

Weather Houses are fascinating and historic pieces that are handcrafted in the shape of a chalet and feature a number of interesting figurines which are designed to tell the weather. How? The figurines move about in different patterns when it’s sunny outside or when it’s raining. So, they don’t truly give you a weather forecast, but they are fun and kitschy! If you’ve never seen one or heard about these captivating souvenirs, I’m going to give you just a bit of history of the German Weather House and clocks and where you can buy one.

What Is A German Weather House?

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With a sweet vintage German postcard!


A German Weather house is a piece of folk art that is technically a hygrometer, meaning it can also indicate the weather. It’s often crafted in the shape of an alpine chalet with two open doors – a classic scene found in German culture and folklore. The weather house also features both a Bavarian male and female figurine that sits on a balance bar that swings the figurines in or out of the house, depending on the weather and humidity. The balance bar is made of catgut or hair. The gut relaxes or shrinks based on the humidity in the surrounding air, relaxing when the air is wet and tensing when the air is dry. When the weather is dry and sunny, the female will emerge from the house, while the male will pop out only when it’s going to rain. Some German weather houses are also made with a small thermometer placed between the two doors, and others will have a tiny piggy bank attached to it as well.

Weather houses are a popular souvenir that has been a long tradition in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The exact date of their origin remains unknown, however, they were likely made in Germany back in the late 1700s to early 1800s. The finest weather houses are made today in the Black Forest region of Germany, and many continue to be hand-painted and carved out of solid wood by artisans to resemble the classic cuckoo clocks and are generally 5" to 11" in size.

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Looking for a beautifully crafted German weather clock for your home, but made in the U.S.? The Frankenmuth Clock Company in Frankenmuth, Michigan still produces a big variety. You can choose from a range of different styles that feature a unique variety of characters, from deer to dogs to trees, beer drinkers, water troughs, and mushrooms. Intricate and extraordinary, these are custom made and are always a captivating piece to have on display.

Cuckoo Chalet style Clocks

A close relative to the weather houses are the "Chalet" style, Swiss mantel or hanging cuckoo clocks where an invention from 1920 by Zurich Company Lötscher in Switzerland. At that time they were highly valued as souvenirs. However, what could come as a surprise is learning that Switzerland is not, in fact, the home of the cuckoo clock and that the quartz clocks were originally made in the Black Forest region of southern Germany. The German clocks tend to have a hunting lodge theme and have a heavier, more ornate design. The inexpensive versions of the chalet style became very popular as souvenirs known for their fun, bright colors.

Enjoy our little collection and send us pictures of your treasures!

by: Melissa Sharples (owner, Freakin’ Antiquin’ Vintage Market, Springfield, MO) February 3, 2021